On Tuesday 17 May 2022, is ApolloZ, the first next-generation inspection system for pouch medication, ApolloZ, delivered to SPITS Oosterwolde. A significant step for both ZiuZ Medical and SPITS Oosterwolde.
ZiuZ ApolloZ is the first inspection system fully assembled in ZiuZ’ assembly hall in Gorredijk. ApolloZ checks the content of pouch medication. At SPITS Oosterwolde, ApolloZ will be part of the inspection process and inspects the current production of pouch medication in addition to the six ZiuZ Photons already in use. The inspection systems improve patient safety, ensure higher efficiency, and overall production process quality. With ApolloZ, SPITS Oosterwolde is ready for the future where high-quality requirements are the standard.
“We think it is important to keep developing our services, and nothing feels better than doing this with ZiuZ and using each other’s knowledge and expertise. With the ApolloZ, we can reduce our error rate, which is already almost zero, even further, and thus contribute to even higher medication safety. This provides our customers, the pharmacists and health care institutions, with less worry and work, and especially a better quality for the user of the Medirol, “said Edwin Frenay van’t Veen, director of SPITS Oosterwolde.
A valuable and long-term partnership
Over the years, SPITS Oosterwolde has always been a valued partner for ZiuZ. The collaboration between ZiuZ and SPITS Oosterwolde dates back to 2009, when the question arose whether a device could be developed to replace manual inspections, guarantee quality, and enable upscaling. This resulted in the development of the first ZiuZ inspection system, the Foresee Inspector. Then in 2013, SPITS Oosterwolde took the successor to the Foresee Inspector, the ZiuZ Photon, into production.
SPITS Oosterwolde prefers to work with local partners and builds a lasting relationship with them. Our ambition is to be the most progressive pharmaceutical chain in the North of the Netherlands, and the vision of ZiuZ fits in with that,” says Twan Jansen, pharmacist and co-owner.
Gerrit Baarda, founder and owner of ZiuZ Visual Intelligence: “SPITS Oosterwolde and ZiuZ are two Frisian companies that support each other in solving societal problems.”
About ZiuZ
ZiuZ is a leading innovative company that develops high-quality technology in the field of visual intelligence. ZiuZ products have a global impact and contribute to solving socially relevant problems.
ZiuZ regularly introduces new, innovative products for healthcare institutions and police forces. ZiuZ Medical develops products for checking the content of automatically dispensed pouch medication in hospitals and pharmacies. ZiuZ Forensic specializes in developing products that enable rapid and efficient analysis of large quantities of child sexual abuse material.
About SPITS Oosterwolde
SPITS Oosterwolde helps pharmacies and institutions to ensure patient safety and medication safety. Through an automated medication distribution system and professional and collegial support, SPITS Oosterwolde enables pharmacies to provide clients with ‘customized care’.
SPITS Oosterwolde is innovative and develops in the areas of technology, processes markets and pharmacy. By continuing to develop, SPITS wants to make a recognizable contribution to quality, reliable and sustainable care.
ZiuZ ApolloZ at SPITS Oosterwolde