Pharma Automation | 31.03.20 | minute(s) reading time
Improved design: CorrectorG2

Bart van der Voort van der Kleij

Product Manager

Finish off the pouch packaging process by adding a perfect photo as evidence of the correction. Collecting evidence of corrected pouches is fast and easy with the ZiuZ Corrector.


Its top-class camera and active lighting capture the corrected pouch in a perfect photo ready to be checked by the human eye. The ergonomic click confirmation mechanism takes the user through the correction process without using the mouse, spacebar or foot pedal. The ZiuZ Corrector integrates with all ZiuZ pouch checking software and is available for IRIS, IRISG2 and Photon. Current installations can be updated.


Award-winning design

At ZiuZ we believe that great design contributes to great ease of use and satisfied customers. Therefor ZiuZ works closely with her design partner Spark Design & Innovation to optimize functional product designs. The CorrectorG2 received the Great Industrial Design Award at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. Are you interested in a modern, smooth and easy to handle pharmacy device to secure photos of corrected pouches?  Please feel free to contact ZiuZ

Are you interested in a software update, a ZiuZ product or would you like more information? Please feel free to contact ZiuZ

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