The project was launched in June 2022 with a First Focus Group. Participants from around the world came together as the “Global Standard” team at INHOPE’s offices in Amsterdam on June 21st & 22nd for a 2-day workshop to set the scene of the project and develop a shared vision for a common methodology to translate between existing categorization schemas and ontologies for child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
INHOPE member hotlines will be the key players in the Global Standard project going forward and will be the initial users of the ontology.
ZiuZ and INHOPE will be adding a Global Standard workflow to ICCAM to complement the current notice and takedown process of hotlines. Participating hotlines will classify the material according to the Universal Classification Schema (specifically what is in the image and not only illegality according to INTERPOL or national law where it is hosted) and consequently hashed with ICCAM’s improved hashing technology. The workflow will allow for the vetting of material to increase the accuracy of the created hash set, and in the future allow for translation between jurisdictions.
The technical solution as a part of this project will improve and develop the following core functionalities in ICCAM:
- Improvement of ICCAM’s hashing technology based on recommended research
- Expanded workflow in ICCAM to allow for content assessment in line with the Universal Classification Schema both through UI and API
- Improvement of ICCAM’s processing functionalities and user-friendliness.
Funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, the Global Standard will be a game changer in the fight against CSAM globally.